VREC is a real estate focused recruitment company covering Australia that offers a low cost flat fee subscription called The Freedom Plan
See here.
Nah we don’t play that game. Recruiters normally place 40-50% of their roles. Here we place on average 92%. For that small percentage if we can’t find the right person you are free to use whoever you want. We don’t love restrictions.
Yeah, of course. We understand that some agencies may not have a need for The Freedom Plan. We offer the same great service at a one off rate. We unfortunately do not offer any discounts on these prices.
We are sorry we can’t add you to the plan right now. We don’t want to overpopulate our subscribers and have multiple in one suburb. When we have someone leave the plan you will be on our list to join.
Yep. We just don’t waste money on stuff that wastes time. For example all of our interviewing is done either on the phone or online. We don’t need to spend an hour driving somewhere, coffee for an hour and then drive back to say ‘they don’t have two heads’.
Eww. No. Our recruiters place blind. They have no idea if the placement is paid or not.
Umm we would get fired for doing that. That’s like, really uncool.
OMG YUK. Eww. No. Foul.
Full control. You tell us who, what and where. (Pretty Woman Style) We will never send you anywhere without discussing it with you first.
Sure. If you’re not an axe murderer. Theres a pathway to everything. As long as you're open and honest with us then we can help.
We vet out the wankers and idiots.
Umm that’s like really private. We don’t feel the need to post other companies’ logos on our website to make us seem legit. Also privacy is pretty bloody important over here.
We don’t have one. Mainly privacy and no one has ever had a good work photo, and actually while I’m here. WHO IS TAKING THESE PHOTOS? WHY DO I LOOK HORRID? Anyways. I digress. Our team are really good at what they do and are good being behind the scenes. Getting a photo of our CEO was like wrangling cats.